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English lesson with Class VR

Using VR goggles from the STEAM IT lab in our school the seven graders learnt (in English) about ancient Greece, WWII and the life in the oceans.


English Language Day 2022

On Thursday, 2nd July second and third graders form our primary school took part in a celebration of the school English Language Day. On that day the pupils participated in numerous games and other fun activities organised for them at four tables. The tasks for them were led by their older school friends - the students from VIIIa  class and VIIc class. During the activities English speaking countries were presented to the pupils, they also had an opportunity to see the souvenirs from these countries not forgetting about American popcorn and English biscuits they could try. At the end each pupil was given a diploma of participation in the event.

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Mahatma Gandhi

Only two weeks ago a war going on in the 21st century, in the middle of Europe seemed impossibe, even ridiculous. For the students and teachers of our partner school in Nikolaiev it became an everyday problem. Since the beginning of the war with Russia they have been living in a constant fear for their lives and the lives of their loved ones but hoping for the better tomorrow. With this school we’ve had friendship and contacts since 2010, the experience of teachers exchange, students exchange both in Poland and in Ukraine so we felt thet we had to send suport for the students and the teachers and so it is here, in this film…

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The 3rd December 2021 was the last day of the Spanish teacher’s, Veronica Tierraseca Alfaro, job shadowing at our school. Veronica teaches kindergarten children in our partner school in Albacete. Since 29th November she was a guest in Brzeźnica school watching Polish teachers while working and Polish students participating in the lessons. She learnt about Polish school system and methods used in the lessons. She also took part in a subject school trip – visiting Uderground Museum in the Main Market Square in Cracow. After the lessons she visited the nearest and further neighbourhood: Lanckorona, Wadowice, Skawina but also Cracow and Wieliczka Salt Mine. We may assume that she liked us – both our country and school, as she told us she was going to come back…



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From November 22 to November 26, the last mobility took place within the project LEARN TO TEACH - Erasmus + program, Action KA1 - Mobility of Educational Staff.

The school headteacher Ewelina Kutermak and the English teacher Jolanta Wacław participated in the event. It was in a partner school in Albacete in the region of Castile - La Mancha, which was the setting for the adventures of Don Quixote. The partner school CEIP San Fulgencio is a bilingual primary school with a kindergarten department. Students have classes every day from 9 a.m. to
2 p.m. Every day the lessons are in two blocks with one 30-minute break for lunch and fun in the school yard. Some classes are in English, including science. The school puts a lot of emphasis on group work. The program of the mobility allowed not only to get to know the school and kindergarten, but also thanks to the events prepared by the Spanish teachers, it was possible to have a look at the Spanish culture, traditions and the region. Job shadowing mobility is an excellent opportunity for exchanging experience between teachers, getting to know the new methods and projects, but also it is a chance to establish future cooperation between the schools.



On 1st December the students of  ZSP Brzeźnica, particularly interested in learning English, went on a school trip to Cracow to visit Rynek Underground – the modern multimedia museum hidden under the building of the Cloth Hall and extending under the Main Market Square of Cracow. To discover the secrets of Medieval Cracow, you just have to step down a bit…

Going there the students were presented with a fantastic world of the Cracow’s past displayed in a modern way with the use of multimedia and other technological tools combined uniquely with real historical objects such as old coins or pottery. 
A special atmosphere of the place was also built by the films played to picture the everyday life in the city a few hundreds years ago. Everybody just immersed in this Medieval world, admiring the play of lights and listening to the sounds of the city that once existed.



Latem 2022 roku już po raz siódmy Ogólnopolskie Stowarzyszenie Anglistów OSA ET organizuje obozy językowe dla dzieci i młodzieży zainteresowanej połączeniem aktywnego wypoczynku
z praktyczną nauka języka angielskiego. Zachęcamy do kliknięcia w logo OSY w celu uzyskania szczegółowych informacji na temat obozów i działalności stowarzyszenia.

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The job shadowing of two Slovenian teachers (Sanja - a German teacher and Alen - a teacher of Biology and Chemistry) has just finished and the first thing that comes to mind is that we hope for more as it was exceptionally valuable time we could spend together. The meeting was just the next step of cooperation started within an Erasmus+ project two years ago. Both schools - ours and the partner school in Dobje are working on their mobility projects with the aim of exchaning and gaining new pedagogical experience. The teachers exchange can definitely be a source of that. During the exchange the teachers from Slovenia participated in our school's life - the innovative and creative lessons but also in the other interesting events such as a library action, a dance show or a meeting with the local authorities. They also took advantage of the vicinity of Cracow and visited this fascinating city as well as they found time to go to the Auschwitz Museum in Oświęcim.



From 18th to 22nd October 2021 the next step of Erasmus+ project LEARN TO TEACH BETTER was made. Despite the pandemic reality two teachers of ZSP in Brzeźnica (an English teacher Edyta Kłeczek and a deputy head teacher Małgorzata Zielnik) managed to job shadow the lessons in a partner school in Malta - Newark School. The teachers, assigned to 8-graders for one week, participated in the classes (eight each day) watching the work of the teachers but also learning about general functioning of the school - the school that is not an ordinary one. In each class there are students from various countries and the language used in the lessons and outside the school is English, as the children often don't know Maltese when they come here.

The aim of the project LEARN TO TEACH BETTER is improving the level and quality of school operating by acquiring new competences by its staff


The project is co-financed within the frames of European Union Program – Erasmus+


Grant: 20 566,00  EURO



From time to time the students of ZSP in Brzeźnica use their mobiles during the lessons - but only for academic purposes! The app BLOOKET offers many opportunities in this field. It facilitates a multiplied revision of the material (e.g. new vocabulary) with the use of various games. This kind of revision increases the pace of the lesson and also prevents from boring routine of learning the new words by heart. 

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Since 1st September 2019 our school (Zespół Szkolno—Przedszkolny w Brzeźnicy) has been working on the project financed from the European funds titled LEARN TO TEACH BETTER. Its main objective is improving the quality of the school operating by acquiring new competences and skills by its staff. It is to be done by the teachers participating in mobilities abroad (two types: courses and job shadowing). When the pandemic outbroke the teachers from Brzeźnica had already taken part in three mobilities: Ms Danuta Tracz did the course on inclusive education in Spain and Ms Anna Lang and Ms Agata Stańczyk visited our partner school in Dobje (Slovenia) to observe modern teaching methods applied by them in their school. Because of the coronavirus pandemic  the project was postponed and prolonged till the end of May 2022 and this is the time we have left to realise the aims of the program and the project. A break in a tense situation happened during this summer – despite all the existing health restrictions, the teachers from Brzeźnica school managed to take part in five mobilities: three English language courses in Malta (Anna Danek, Anna Knapik and Ewelina Woźniczka) and two courses on inclisive education in Cyprus (Agnieszka Błach and Monika Jezierska). The details of all mobilities together with photos are to be found in the attached newsletter (in Polish language).


The aim of the project LEARN TO TEACH BETTER is improving the level and quality of school operating by acquiring new competences by its staff


The project is co-financed within the frames of European Union Program – Erasmus+


Grant: 20 566,00  EURO

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Holidays with English

From June 28 to July 2, 2021 a language camp took place in our school. The camp was carried out as a part of the Polish-American Freedom Foundation English Teaching program, the national operator of which is the Nidzicka Foundation for the Development of NIDA.

The classes were held in the building of our school. Students used classrooms, a common room with kitchen facilities and a school playground.

During the camp we carried out many language tasks and games, as well as film classes combined with a pizza party. There were also culinary workshops during which the participants of the camp prepared tasty and healthy dishes under the watchful eye of Mrs Edyta Kłeczek. We spent one day in Krakow in the Stanislaw Lem Science Graden, where we learned the laws of physics by carrying out various experiments.

The teachers organising activities: Edyta Kłeczek, Agata Stańczyk, Jolanta Wacław (a school coordinator of the camp).


Półkolonie zrealizowane zostały
w ramach Programu Polsko-Amerykańskiej Fundacji Wolności ENGLISH TEACHING, którego krajowym operatorem jest Nidzicka Fundacja Rozwoju NIDA.

Awards for the posters

Students participating in the project Eco Teens in Brzeźnica want to share their knowledge with their schoolmates. They presented their ideas on how to care for the environment on the posters, preparing an exhibition for students in years 1-3. The young students could vote for the poster they liked the most. The authors of the posters with the highest number of votes received awards that will help them to learn English. Congratulations to everyone.

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On the 8th of June the students working on the English Teaching projects took part in an English language school trip to Kraków. In the old capital of Poland they had various taks to do - in English of course!!! They started with a stroll along the Planty Park. While walking, each of them individually, had to find 30 objects or people and mark them on the city plan of the Cracow Main Square. Then, after a short break for ice-cream, a time for group work came - the students' job was to recognise and find some important spots on the Square. They were working quickly and efficiently as the food nearby was waiting to be eaten...


Mixtures and chemical reactions were the subject of a project meeting on 25th May. After learning the names of some chemical elements and the lab equipment, the students could do the experiments. It was fun to observe what happens when you mix raw potatoes with hydrogen peroxide. During distant learning the students didn’t have opportunity to do the experiments on their own so they were  eagerly working on identifying oxygen and carbon dioxide. They were also practicing English and had great time together!



Earth Day is celebrated on 22 April all over the world. The aim of that day is to demonstrate suport for environmental protection. The students participating in Eco teens in Brzeźnica project prepared a mini guide for their schoolmates. In this guide they share their ideas how to be green every day. What can we do to be eco-friendly? We can save water, use reusable bags, use less pastic, walk more instead of going by car, buy local food, recycle and reuse things. Generally, we should remeber about two things: THINK AND BUY LESS and when we SAVE THE EARTH – we SAVE BRZEŹNICA.


7 year students who are taking part in  the English Teaching project, have become more and more sensitive to the world around them and changes in the nature. They have already got some information about climate changes and the seasons of the year. They also observe its impact on the nature around us. During the English language classes, on the border of winter and spring, they managed to capture beautiful frames(just from their room windows), and thanks to them are able to appreciate the fact that we live in such a climate zone, which has 4 seasons.


In March the participants of the project HOW TO BENEFIT FROM DISTANT LEARNING kept on going with the work on the project by cooking during culinary workshops in English. In two culinary meetings we prepared popular American fastfood in a new version - corndogs ( sausages in wheat-corn batter)  and extremely fast sweet snack - waffles made in a Nowegian way. A great cooking and eating practice before Easter.

recipe            ingredients    also necessary
norwegian waffles
 ingredients    also necessary    recipe


ZERO has recently become a major interest of the eco teens in Brzeźnica. During the online English classes  the students decided to make friends with the idea of "zero waste". It is an idea and a lifestyle which aim is to reduce the amount of waste as much as possible. The supportes of the idea of zero waste apply the 5R principle in their lives. According to the 5 R's, five actions should be taken in order not to pollute the environment, but to save it as much as possible.

The 5R’s stands for:

Refuse what you do not need,

Reduce what you need; think how much stuff you actually need

Reuse by repurposing stuff (like glass jars, eco bags) or by using reusable objects like metal straws

Recycle (paper, plastic, metal, glass)

Rot (compost the household bio waste


In the short videos (you can watch them in the section STUDENTS' WORKS together with the pictures) the eco teens presented their ideas on how to implement the 5r principles while living in Brzeźnica. The film can be seen on the school website (check the English tab) and on the school Facebook page.












After January culinary workshop when the participants of the project HOW TO BENEFIT FROM DISTANT LEARNING learnt how to prepare a popular in Great Britain dessert Banoffe Pie, the time has come to cook a main course. Sticking to British culinary tastes the Brzeźnica 7th formers cooked (in their houses) Indian Chicken Curry - a quick and easy to make and, at the same time, delicious dish consisting of chicken stewed and coconut-based sauce.  Originating from the Indian subcontinent it is also common in Southeast Asia, and Great Britain, as well as in the Caribbean, where it is usually referred to as curry and is often made with a pre-made spice mixture known as curry powder.

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Nikola Szydłowska - curry.jpg


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The project „How to Benefit from Distant Learning” combines science topics with a bit more "down to Earth" but delicious matter - cooking. Working on the first part of the project the students created presentations and performed some tasks on various subjects (Biology, History, Geography). Realising its second part they actively participated in the online culinary workshop and prepared the recipes in English. Additional, the most demanding task (for volunteers) was making a video showing and explaining how to prepare the chosen meal. Four videos were sent - all awarded with cookbooks in English. Let's hope they will facilitate the students' promising career in the kitchen.

Next workshop already planned!!!





(culinary workshop)


On Thursday 28th January the students from class 7B took an active part in culinary workshop online. All of the students have been working on the English Teaching project HOW TO BENEFIT FROM DISTANT LEARNING since the beginning of the school year. During the workshop they were watching their English teacher preparing Banoffee Pie and listening to her instructions on how to make the pie. Simultaneously, in their homes, all of them were making their own desserts. Banoffee Pie is a delicious and popular in Great Britain dessert. Its name comes from the main ingredients - bananas and toffee cream. Watch the results... and envy.


Projekt „How to Benefit from Distant Learning?” realizowany jest
w ramach Programu Polsko-Amerykańskiej Fundacji Wolności ENGLISH TEACHING, którego krajowym operatorem jest Nidzicka Fundacja Rozwoju NIDA.



ECO TEENS IN BRZEŹNICA …. this time at home.

As a part of the Eco Teens in Brzeźnica project, students actively participated in distance learning classes. The governmental restrictions made it impossible to take part in trips and meetings at school, but they gave the opportunity to admire the beauty of nature in the students’ nearest area. This time it was their home. The students discovered what plants they have in their rooms and prepared a description  of one of them in English.


Projekt „Ekologiczne nastolatki w Brzeźnicy” realizowany jest
w ramach Programu Polsko-Amerykańskiej Fundacji Wolności ENGLISH TEACHING, którego krajowym operatorem jest Nidzicka Fundacja Rozwoju NIDA.

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    English teaching projects in our school

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The coronavirus pandemic wave, which for so many weeks has been flooding all the countries of the world and more nad more contributes to economic stagnation, delays or at least changes our everyday life as we know it.  It also influences realisation of various educational projects financed from non-school, external sources. Staying at home of students and teachers forced modifications in their working on the projects. Nowadays there are two projects financed by PAWF (Polish American Freedom Foundation) and its programme English Teaching in our school (Zespół Szkolno - Przedszkolny w Brzeźnicy). They both touch really up-to-date topics: distant learning and eco-education. At the beginning there were traditional classes at school for students working on the projects as the schools in Poland were functioning normally almost till the end of October 2020, now the project lessons are realised on-line on weekly basis.

„How to Benefit from Distant Learning” has the aim to introduce the students and bring them to work with numerous tools aiding their home learning. Its main purpose is promoting learning English among students, especially those who live in small villages. Not forgetting about this, we would rather focus not on learning the language but on things we can learn when we know English. In the lessons the students are taught with CLIL method (Content and Language Integrated Learning). So far they have participated in science, biology, geography and history lessons using aiding tools and apps such as: Wordwall, PowerPoint and presentations, educational films and Kahoot games - everything in English of course. Beside this, they also had the opportunity to check themselves in the kitchen - they prepared short videos while cooking.

The second project „Eco Teens in Brzeźnica” has the very same purpose but its realisation concerns a different topic - its aim is to encourage young people to feel and be green, locally and globally. Learning about the environmental issues in their neighbourhood the students try to figure out the ways to prevent the pollution of the area they live on. The classes on ecology are taught in both Polish and English. They started with learning about the project's agenda, the local environmental problems and English words in the field of ecology. At the end of October they started distant classes in which they are preparing short videos promoting "zero waste" idea. They also try to appreciate the beauty of nature, considering the present pandemic situation, they rather concentrate on their own homes and their nearest surroundings.

school coordinators: Edyta Kłeczek and Jolanta Wacław

Projekty „How to Benefit from Distant Learning?” oraz „Eco Teens in Brzeźnica” realizowane są w ramach Programu Polsko-Amerykańskiej Fundacji Wolności ENGLISH TEACHING, którego krajowym operatorem jest Nidzicka Fundacja Rozwoju NIDA.

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